Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Oma and Opa's

About a month ago the kids and I went up to Sacramento to visit my grandparents. So in order to survive the 7 hour drive we left @ 3 in the morning, in hopes that the kids would sleep most of the way. Carson and Ellie did great, but Hunter was another story! That little boy does NOT like the car! My other 2 love the car, so this is a new one for me :) Luckily my Mom came along with us which I was so grateful for, cause we had to stop about 5 times for Hunter alone! Well while the drive was long, the trip was short, but we all had a good time :) I love my grandparents so much and any time I get to spend with them is definitely time well spent. They a 2 of my favorite people and Ellie "Ray" is even named after her Opa "Ray"! I hope my children get to know them and love them like I do!


Shanna Nemrow said...

Garrett hated the car for months and was horrible! I was so relieved when he finally snapped out of it! I was thrown for a loop because I thought all babies loved cars, like Mackenzie did...wrong!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you were able to go visit oma and opa. It's a long car ride for anyone, so you were very brave to take it with three kids.