Friday, October 29, 2010

Alice goes to Kindergarten

It took her FOREVER, but Ellie finally decided to be Alice for Halloween, and a cute one at that :) She got to dressed up for school and parade around the campus with all the other kids. After her class had a party with games, a craft and McDonald's WOW! She had a great time at her party and is loving being in Kindergarten :)

Alice getting ready for her parade

The 3 musketeers: Ellie, Dani & Ella

Ms. Mattier's 2010-11 Kindergarten Class

Ellie after her first party @ "Big Kid School"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Buzz Lightyear goes to Preschool

Carson (or should i say buzz) had his first party as a big preschooler for Halloween. He was so excited and had lots of fun! The class sang us some Halloween songs while Buzz stood there (looking cute i might add). Then the kids got to play some games which he LOVED! Next the kids got to decorate their own pumpkin cookie with sprinkles and everything! After all was said and done the kids got to go home with a bag full of goodies, which I could not pry out of his hands for the rest of the day! Glad my lil Buzz Lightyear had a fun party :)

Carson with the coveted goodie bag that he wouldn't let out of his sight!

Carson's friend Landen as Harry Potter (i love it)!

My Buzz and his cookie that he spent so much time perfecting he didn't want to eat it :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Go Diego Go (and Dora too)!

Matt and I got invited to a Halloween party for big kids this year @ the McMullin home. So we dropped the kiddies off at Grandma and Grandpa's house and partied hardy as Dora and Diego. They had lots of good food, great music, and fun friends. Thanks for a great night Pam and Phil :)