Friday, May 29, 2009


Today my little boy turned 2! He is no longer a baby, he is now a BIG boy and is quick to remind you if you forget :) Carson has brought so much joy into our family; I really can't believe that it has been 2 years since he was born (time just seems to fly)! I love you so much Carson Matthew and have enjoyed watching you grow into a fun, and energetic toddler. And even though the terrible 2's are in FULL force, I fully embrace the sweetness that lies within, like when you sing in the car, when you cuddle with me in the morning, when you make sure that if you are playing that your little brother always has something to play with too, and that when you got birthday cards from your great-grandparents you yelled "MONEY"! So Happy Birthday Carson, Mommy loves you so so much!

Carson @ 2 weeks old

Carson @ 2 months old

Carson @ 6 months old

Carson @ a year old

Here's my big 2 year old

Monday, May 18, 2009

My Mother's Day Tea!

For Mother's Day Ellie's pre-school had a tea party for all the Mommies. They brought us lemonade and cake, which they were so proud to do all by themselves :) They also sang us a Mother's Day song (well all the other kids sang while ellie stood there, she said after that she did sing i just couldn't hear her. well if she was singing then she has a true talent and should be a ventriloquist) Ellie also made me a bouquet of flowers with her beautiful face on them :) The best flowers I ever got! (sorry matthew) It was fun hanging out with my Ellie Ray Ray. I love her so much and I especially love being her Mom! Don't worry boys, I love being your Mommy too, so thank you for the precious handprints you made me for Mother's Day! Although being a Mom is the toughest job I have ever had, it the one that brings me the most joy, and sense of good worth! So thank you Ellie, Carson, and Hunter for letting me be your Mommy, I love you guys with all my heart :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Oma and Opa's

About a month ago the kids and I went up to Sacramento to visit my grandparents. So in order to survive the 7 hour drive we left @ 3 in the morning, in hopes that the kids would sleep most of the way. Carson and Ellie did great, but Hunter was another story! That little boy does NOT like the car! My other 2 love the car, so this is a new one for me :) Luckily my Mom came along with us which I was so grateful for, cause we had to stop about 5 times for Hunter alone! Well while the drive was long, the trip was short, but we all had a good time :) I love my grandparents so much and any time I get to spend with them is definitely time well spent. They a 2 of my favorite people and Ellie "Ray" is even named after her Opa "Ray"! I hope my children get to know them and love them like I do!