Saturday, April 25, 2009

Easter, Easter, and more Easter!

A little late I know, but better late than never right? So we had a few Easter festivities this year: #1 We dyed easter eggs at our house with Oma, Papa, Uncle Mark, and Allie. The kids had lots of fun Ellie really got into it this year so that was fun to see, and Carson cracked about 3 eggs, and dyed 2 along with his hands :). Hunter just chilled out, but he will want to get his hands in there too next year ahhh!!!!

#2 of the Easter fun was Ellie school party. I had to take Hunter to the Dr.'s during that time so I called up the bestest brother I ever had (mark in case anyone is confused, haha) and he went in my place to her party and took some pictures for me, thanks Uncle Mark :) So she go to go on a egg hunt and eat a cupcake! She was so excited to tell me all about it when I picked her up, so I think it's safe to assume she had fun!

#3 Easter Party @ the Moss'! The kids: Blake, Logan, Ellie, Carson, and Hunter got to go on an egg hunt in Grandma and Grandpa's back yard! They had lots of fun, but I think the biggest hit was the bubbles that Grandma put in the kids Easter pails :) All the kids had a unique way of blowing bubbles. Carson for instance sucked in his bubbles instead of blowing them out, Blake whistled while he blew (it was funny), Ellie didn't blow 1 bubble because she blew too hard, and my favorite, Logan decided to share his bubbles with the fish in Grandpa's pond :) I don't think Grandpa was as amused by it as I was!

#4 Was Easter morning at our house. The Easter Bunny came that morning and left surprises for the kids. They were so excited and it was so much fun to see the excitement in their little faces! They liked the cars and polly pockets so much we had a hard time getting them to find the hidden eggs!

#5 We went to Oma and Papa's house for yet another egg hunt and Easter dinner! The kids had a blast finding the eggs along with puzzles, a movie, and their new found favorite thing: the peez dispenser :) Dinner was great and after we played Disney bingo (ellie loves that game). So Easter got all partied out this year, but among all the festivities I am reminded and grateful to the Savior and the sacrifice he made for me and all of us so that we can return to Heaven someday. Hope that everyone had a Happy Easter, and a good time with their families!


Katie & Travis Nemrow said...

your kids are too cute!

Unknown said...

I like your kids Easter outfits. You can never have too many Easter activities, the kids just love all the egg hunts.

Tiffany J said...

So fun! Easter candy is delish! I love your boys matching Easter outfits...I can't wait to do that with year! ha ha

bladhfamily said...

Your kids are getting so big. Hope you are doing good!

Shanna Nemrow said...

So cute! We need to have a playdate soon. Garrett is sick today, so we didn't go to storytime. Maybe we can plan something in a couple of weeks.

Katie & Travis Nemrow said...

Hey you guys want to do a family home evening together this month?