Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Day of Preschool!!!!

A week later and another first!! Carson's first day of preschool is today. Unlike his sister Carson needed so prepping and alot of pumping up to get excited to go to big boy school :) I am happy to report that neither Carson or is Mommy cried on his first day of preschool!! I can't believe he is big enough to go to preschool. I still look at him and see my baby!! He just seems so little to be going to school even though he is older than Ellie was when she started preschool. Well he's growing up along with the rest of them rather I like it or not, and he looked so handsome for his first day :)

Finding his name and signing in for school.

Sitting on his animal on the circle time rug.

Carson and his teacher Miss Brittani with the picture he shared with the class

Can't believe how grown up he is getting and excited for him to learn lots of new things and make new friends!! Hope you have lots of fun at your big boy school my BIG BOY!!!

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