Friday, June 4, 2010

Our Little Graduate!

Today Ellie graduated from Preschool :) I was hoping that I would make it in my pregnancy past this date, but sadly I did not and missed it :( Matthew video taped her part for me though and she gave me the low down when she got home! She attended Patchwork Preschool for the past 2 years and has learned so much she can hardly wait to go to Kindergarten, or as she likes to call it "Big Kid School". Why is it when we are young we can wait to get older, but when we are older we wish we were young? I guess the statement of "The grass is always greener on the other side" holds true!! I am excited for her to learn and grow, it has not yet hit me that I will soon have a Kindergartner who goes to "Big Kid School"! As for Miss Chris, don't miss me too much I'll be back next year with Carson :)

Our little graduate all dressed up for her big day!

Ellie put the program on hold when it was her turn to speak and she had to use the restroom, haha. I tell you it never fails with that one! She always has to go at the most inconvenient times :)

Miss Chris and Ellie

Miss Cheryl and Ellie

Daddy and Ellie Ray

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