Friday, January 22, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away!

It has been raining like CRAZY here lately! I'm sure in other states and countries a weeks worth of rain isn't THAT big a deal, but here in Southern California it feels like FOREVER! So between the kids having the flu and then all the wet weather the Moss' have been trapped in the house for 2 weeks now and were are DONE!!

Here are the boys checkin out the rain, and yes Carson it is STILL raining! He would ask me like everyday where we were going that day and everyday I would say "No where". "AGAIN!!" we would disappointingly reply. Sorry dude :)

The plus side to all the rain is that it has allowed us some quality family time, which I think was much needed! Another plus was that the kids can now play and LOVE playing Mario Kart on the Wii (which matthew is so excited about, i just know it!) So even though we are ready for the rain to go away, it can come again another day :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

My son was looking at your blog with me and when he saw the steering wheels he got excited about Mario Kart Wii! He loves that game (we have to limit it!) So glad the rain has finally stopped for you guys. Hope you are doing good!