Monday, January 18, 2010


This past October 30th was my 29th birthday, and the worst day of my life! My family and I went to Disneyland for my birthday when I got a call I never wanted. My Opa had stopped breathing and was on his way to the hospital in an ambulance. It felt like it took years to get there, but in the back of my head I keep thinking that everything was going to be okay because my Opa was invincible in my eyes. To my dismay that was not the case and when I arrived at the hospital my Dad informed me that we were suppose to say our goodbyes. I couldn't believe it, and I didn't know how to say goodbye to someone who meant so much to me! He was the most amazing person, and I looked up to him so much! He was a very patient person who would try time and time again to teach me how to play cribbage (a game i still can't play, but he never gave up on me) He did teach me alot of other cool card games, and looking back on it now I know that he LET me win half the time to make me feel good :) He was a good listener especially when I would call him to tell him that his daughter was being mean to me. Even though I deserved being in trouble he would let me tattle on my Mom without any lectures. He was sensitive. I have this bottom lip that can stick out pretty good when I'm sad. Everyone else was pretty much immune to it except my Opa. When he would see that lip come out he was done for from the time I was itty-bitty til adulthood and would do whatever it took to get that lip to go away! He was fun! I loved going swimming at his house in the summer and jumping off his and my Dad's shoulders into the pool. If you slept in too late he would come in and literally grab you by the feet and yank you out of bed (he was a early riser, i am not). He would take me and my brother on walks to the river and taught us how to skip rocks. He loved history and space. He was always telling me cool facts about the universe, and stories from the past. He loved being outside. He has the most amazing yard, it is beautiful. He took such good care of it. I remember helping him trim bushes in the summer, something that I have now have come to actually enjoy. I now do the trimming at my own house, I find it relaxing and quiet. He also loved golf, something my Father always tried to get me interested in but never did. So the 2 of them would always go when they were together. Not only was he a fantastic Opa to me, but also to my kids! He always would let Ellie help him do things and get away with things that Mommy never would :) People often ask me if I spell Ellie's middle name with an "e" or a "y" and I always reply by saying it's R-A-Y after my Opa. All my children have middle names that are special to me and I hope he thought it was just as special as I do. I could go on and on about all the amazing attributes he had and all the fond memories I have of him. This is the hardest thing I have ever gone through and I miss him more than anyone knows!

I am truly grateful for the time I was able to spend with him, and am grateful to know that I will be able to spend alot more time with him someday!

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