Wednesday, January 13, 2010


My baby is 1!! How did that happen?! This year has flown by so, so fast I can hardly believe it! I love my little bubba so much and feel so blessed to have this wonderful little boy as apart of our family. He has been such a fantastic baby, easy going, always happy :). I use to always tease that he is the kind of baby that gives new Mom's false hope that Motherhood is easy :). But as he is learning to walk the easiness is slowing wearing off and the marathon of chasing after him (especially when he is too quiet, that is NEVER a good sign in this house, it ALWAYS equals trouble) has begun! Like they say it's fun to be one, and Hunter sure knows how to have fun :) Here are some things that makeup our busy little boy:
- He can say Mamma, Dadda, Ellie, and Hi
- He can take 5 steps at a time
- He loves his brother and sister, and tries desperately to keep up with them
- His favorite food is pasta, and refuses to eat baby food (can you blame him)
- He loves cars, and balls
- Loves to wrestle with his brother (already)
- Would prefer to play with things he is not suppose to like, cellphones, remotes, toilet paper, TOILETS!, television buttons, dog food, and trash cans!
-He likes to cuddle in the mornings
- He is ALWAYS hungry
- Has the bluest eyes that light up a room whenever he smiles

I have thoroughly enjoyed being your Mom this past year and look forward to all the great years I get to spend with you. I love you so much Bubba!!!

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