Monday, January 5, 2009

Carson's Broken Foot!

So we have this one step in our house in the entry way that goes down into the dining room and the family room. Here both sets of Grandparents have stairs that I worry about, and my son breaks his foot tripping off the ONE step we have in our entire house!! I didn't see him fall, just heard him cry so sat with him awhile, and he seemed fine. Then it was off to church we went. When we got there I had to carry both him and Hunter into the building because we wouldn't walk. Still didn't think much about it because we often carry him into church (he tends to get really shy when in a group of people). After sacrament I carried him to nursery where he sat on the floor and played, not complaining, just not walking. I was teaching that day in Relief Society so left him crawling on the floor, playing with toys. When I got back I asked if he walked at all and they told me NO! I knew then that something was wrong (matthew is at work during all of this, lucky him) So when Matt got off of work I took Carson to urgent care to check it out. From there we were sent to x-rays, which he absolutely hated! Then my fear was confirmed HE BROKE A BONE! I was waiting for the Dr. to interrogate me for child abuse, especially with the lame story of tripping off a step, but to my surprise they didn't. So the following day we headed to Orthopedics for Carson to get his cast on :( I had to do that appointment by myself too, which I really didn't want to do! They had me strap my baby down while he screamed and they casted. After all was said and done they thanked ME for not crying, but trust me I really wanted too! So my little 2 year old sported a full length cast for a broken foot, and unfortunately I'm sure with 3 kids it won't be the last thing that breaks around here!!

This is the before picture of Carson. All smiles because he has no idea of what is in store for him!

Here's the after picture of my little pirate, a name we lovingly called him for the next few weeks. It took a couple of days for him to get use to it as he would crawl on the floor and drag the other straight legged behind him. After that he got pretty good at peg legging it around (hence the name pirate), to where it didn't really slow him down at all!

After 2weeks of him asking Matthew and I to take it off we headed back to Ortho to have his cast removed and get another x-ray. It was quick and painless, but from the look of Carson's face you would think that they were cutting off his leg along with the cast! Luckily Daddy came this round (yeah!) so he got to do all the FUN stuff! So after x-rays we decided that he needed the cast back on for another week.

So glad that Matt was there to strap him down this time, my poor baby!

So cast round 2 wasn't as bad it came below his knee, but as you can see he wasn't a happy camper. He keep telling me, "You say I take my cast off! Take it off!!" All that week whenever he would ask us to take off his cast we would tell him that we couldn't but we were going back to the Dr.'s and they would. So when he got it off, and then got it right back on again he was mad, and didn't speak to me for the rest of the day! I felt so bad :(

Here's a picture of his cast with some signatures on it right before he got it off for good! He is a much happier person to have it off, and will still ask every now and then if he has to get it back on. When I tell him no he smiles so big relieved that he finally got to "take it off!" for real :)

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