Sunday, May 30, 2010


Sunday May 30th at 8:30am Macie Leigh Moss joined our family! I was so nervous for her arrival since Hunter came so fast and 3 weeks early. I was bound and determined to get get my epidural this time since I missed out on it last time (that's where the fast part came in). So I had a Dr. appointment earlier in the week and was already dilated to a 3. So for the rest of the week I kept waiting for my water to break. Well I waited in vain. I ended up going to the hospital Saturday night around 9pm with cramps, and crossing my fingers that I was dilated enough to stay so that I could get that precious epidural before it was too late :) Lucky for me I was dilated to a 6, and admitted. With my due date 4 weeks away my doctor was hoping that I would last 2 more weeks, but didn't seem too surprised to see me there that night ( i am always early). So happy to say I got my epidural, but sadly was taken off of it when my blood pressure dropped too low :( When it finally came up enough to re administer the drugs the tube had moved in my back and the epidural didn't work! At least it was my fourth and I barely had to push her out! She weighed 7ibs. 10oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. A mother can't fully explain the anticipation of their baby's first cry, but when she cried for the first time it was a beautiful and comforting sound. So ten finger, ten toes, no hair, and can't figure out who she looks like?! Everything went perfectly and lots of family came to see our new bundle of joy!! Ellie and Carson were most excited to meet her and are so cute with her. Hunter although clueless to all the co motion is surprisingly very gentle around her. I feel so blessed to have 4 healthy, beautiful children! I seriously couldn't ask for a better life. Macie I love you so much and I look forward to all my years together with you and our family :)

She's here!!

Mommy and Macie

Welcome to the world bright eyes!

Proud to introduce the world's newest big brother Hunter

Carson is such a cute big brother and already so protective of her!

Ellie's wish came true, she has a little sister and seriously couldn't be happier :)

Macie is so loved and had lots of visitors!
Grandma Shelly


Uncle Rich and Aunt Julie


Uncle Mark


Oma Montgomery



Mommy and her sweet Macie

All dressed and getting ready to go home!

All set and ready to head home. Good luck Macie :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Carson!!

Our little Carson turned the big 3 this year!! Along with that came lots of cool stuff!! #1 cool thing is that he is now potty trained :) Ya!! He has grown up so much this past year, learning his colors and shapes, talking a mile a minute (he is officially in the why? stage) He is excited to go to preschool in the fall. He loves, loves trains and cars. We signed him up for soccer this summer and he can hardly wait! Carson although a tough cookie to break is such a sweetheart! He is always looking out for his brother and sister making sure that they don't get left out of anything. His favorite color is blue, and he stills thinks that a horse says "giddy up" something I have yet to correct him on cause I think it is so cute. We love our Carson Matthew so much and hope that he has a great time being 3 and getting to do big boy things :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010


That was the invite I sent out for the kids birthday this year. With Macie due next month I decided to go all out with a carnival and combine Ellie and Carson's party. It was so much fun and turned out better than I even planned which almost never happens! This was the biggest party I had planned for a birthday so far. I decorated 30 prize bags for the kids to collect their prizes in from each booth. There were 5 booths: Tip the Can, Shooting Range, Go Fish, Slam Dunk, and Face Painting. We also had tons of carnival food: hot dogs, potato salad, watermelon, animal crackers, popcorn, and every ones personal favorite SNOW CONES (thanks stein family for the snow cone machine)!! My only fear was how to man the booths so we recruited a few girls from church to help out and they did awesome :) It was a blast to watch the kids have a great time. Thanks to all our family and friends for making the kids birthday FANTASTIC! The only problem now is explaining to Ellie that she won't be 5 for 3 more months (she is so confused, sorry babe).

Ellie's 5th birthday party, but not birthday yet :)

Carson's 3rd birthday party

The Shooting Range booth (found this game where you have to shoot @ moving targets on clearance for like $10, very proud of myself)

Hunter enjoying some popcorn (all our kids love love popcorn)

The Go Fish booth. I think all the parents weren't such a fan of this one since the prize was a gold fish, but it SCREAMED carnival to me and I couldn't help myself :)

Ellie getting her face painted

Capri was transformed into a beautiful butterfly

Michael the pirate

Spencer sporting a snake

Blake didn't want his face painted so he settled on his hand

Thanks for the great idea Blake! Carson didn't want his face painted either and saw your hand decided he wanted to do that too :)

Uncle Mark manned the snow cone machine, and we all put him to work makin 'em they were so good!!

Logan enjoying his snow cone

Ellie with her Barbie birthday cake

Like 2 years ago I started buying the kids these individual cakes for their birthdays, and making cupcakes for everyone else. It works out perfect and the little cakes are so cute :)

Carson and his Thomas the Train cake

The kids got a lot of great gifts for their birthday!